Your Choice for All Your Real Estate Needs

Congratulations on the sale of your property! Blake Nichol Law is here to handle all aspects of your sale, and keep the process as simple and straightforward as possible.

Getting Started

Please do not hesitate to contact us anytime at (403) 288-6500 or email Once you have sold a property, we will require the following:

1. A copy of your sale contract

Please instruct your Realtor to email us a copy of your sale contract as soon as possible.

2. A current Real Property Report

If you are selling a house or a bare-land condominium, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can verify that you have a current Real Property Report in order to close your transaction.

3. Mortgage or line of credit reference number

Please provide us with your mortgage or line of credit account number(s) from your financial institution. This number will usually be located on your last statement from your financial institution or on your on-line banking.

4. Completed client ID form

(Download here). We will advise you of the identification that we require from you prior to our meeting.

Selling a Property | Blake Nichol Lawyer | Real Estate or Business Law Firm | Calgary AB
Meeting With You | Blake Nichol Lawyer | Real Estate or Business Law Firm

Meeting with You

We will contact you to advise you of anything else we require and to schedule a meeting with you to sign your sale documents. We will usually meet with you about one or two weeks prior to your possession date.

Please bring the following with you to our meeting:

  • Original Real Property Report(s) – please bring in all the copies that you have;
  • Photo identification – your current driver’s license or passport
  • Void cheque or bank account particulars – preferably of a financial institution with a branch in Calgary so that we can courier your net sale proceeds for deposit into your bank account.Your financial institution may place a “hold” on this deposit of your net sale proceeds, depending upon your relationship with your financial institution. You should contact your financial institution directly in this regard.
  • Mortgage reference numbers if you have not already provided us with same; and
  • Your forwarding mailing address, phone number, and email address.

We will make sure to review and explain all sale closing documents so that you fully understand everything before signing. The meeting will usually take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. You will always be meeting with Blake personally or with another lawyer, except in very infrequent instances when you may be meeting with one of our senior real estate paralegals.

Closing, Reporting and Net Sale Proceeds

Your transaction will typically close on the scheduled closing date. In Alberta, however, there are never any guarantees that the buyer will close on time or that you will receive your net sale proceeds on the same day. You should always therefore consider whether or not you require interim financing accordingly.

We are required to pay out all financial encumbrances registered against your title from the sale proceeds. We will also pay out the balance of the real estate commissions owing and legal fees and disbursements from the sale proceeds. We will provide you with copies of all payout and account statements with respect to these items with our reporting letter.

We will usually email you our reporting letter the same day that your sale transaction closes, along with a detailed accounting of all trust funds.

The net sale proceeds will usually be forwarded for deposit to your financial institution by way of our solicitor’s trust cheque within one business day from the day that your sale transaction closes, or earlier if possible. Your financial institution may place a “hold” on this deposit of your net sale proceeds, depending upon your relationship with your financial institution. You should contact your financial institution directly in this regard. You may also request to pick-up our trust cheque for your net sale proceeds so that you may have same certified, which may assist you in avoiding a “hold” being placed on the funds by your financial institution. Once again, you should contact your financial institution directly with respect to this matter.

We will thoroughly review the closing process with you during our meeting.

Closing Reporting and Net Sale Proceeds | Blake Nichol Lawyer | Real Estate or Business Law Firm

Please do not hesitate to contact Blake Nichol Law at any time regarding your transaction.